Thursday, March 29, 2012

Athletes of the Week - Eva and Rolando

“Athlete of the Week” slipped at the end of basketball season, as I was just too busy to do it each week, but we are resuming now, and will pick a boy and a girl each week through the baseball and volleyball seasons. Students who would have been considered at the end of basketball season are Brooklin, Madi, Alexa, Diallo, Erika, Juan, Aaron, and Rolando.

The first spring season female athlete of the week is Eva. The JV team won their first two matches this year, and Eva was a big reason why. Eva has a booming overhand serve, and is a versatile all-around volleyball player. She digs well, but is also a setter for JV, and probably the best hitter on the team. At the JV level, when a player gets hot with her serve, she can sometimes win the majority of the points for an entire game. In the JV’s first home game of the year, a 2-1 win over St Francis, Eva put the team on her shoulders for long stretches of the game with her serve, running off multiple streaks of 7 or more points won. Eva is also on the varsity roster, and we look forward to very big things from her this year, and for two more years to come.

Last year’s St Rose baseball team had four players who have played baseball their entire lives, in Renato, Michael, Anthony, and Tony. At the beginning of the year, I thought of those players as the big four, but I was soon thinking of the big five. Rolando was fairly new to the sport, but he caught on very quickly, and ended up being a very sure-handed first baseman for us, as well as a big offensive performer out of the two hole in the lineup. As we start a new season, Rolando has improved, and has had a fantastic start to the season. After consecutive losses to start the season, we played St Pius on Saturday, in deep Aurora. Rolando got hit in his first plate appearance, and then stole second and third, before scoring on a wild pitch. He came up again in the fourth with Juan and Tony on base, and hit the first homer of the year for the Raiders. Hitting into a stiff win, Rolando still lifted a deep fly to left, that the left fielder couldn’t find. Rolando tore around the bases, and scored without a throw even being made on him. In addition, Rolando combined with Tony on a no-hitter, in only his second pitching appearance of his career, and first this year. In two innings of work, Rolando only faced seven batters, hitting one, and striking out the rest, including six in a row to end the game.