Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Athletes of the Week - Alexa and Alex

St Rose widget girls hung on to win a nail biter 10-9 over St Mary’s. The win evened our record on the season, at 3-3. We have good 4th great leadership from Mia, Madi, and Brook, all of who have won athlete of the week already this year, but in this game, the star was Alexa. Alexa is a 3rd grader, and she’s usually the smallest girl on the floor, but she has a huge heart, and huge determination, to go along with her quickness, and good athletic instincts. She scored the first two baskets in the game, and when you win 10-9, 4 points is obviously huge. She also played great defense, and was constantly encouraging all of her teammates, and being a positive force. Congratulations to the widget girls and to Alexa.

Our widget boys black team has played a tough schedule so far, and their record reflects that. Last week, however, they played St James, and we knew we had a good chance to get back in the win column. Black won 20-16, getting their second win of the season, and bringing their record to 2-4, with two games remaining in the regular season. Black is led by 4th graders Stephan and Sergio, but they also get good contributions from third graders Jose and Alex. This week’s male athlete of the week is Alex. Alex is a three sport athlete, but basketball is probably only his third sport, after football and baseball. As the season goes on, he is learning that he can be quite a good basketball player. He is very good defensively, and this week, he finally broke out on the offensive end. Alex led the team with 13 points, probably surpassing his previous total for the whole season. Alex also has one of the best attitudes in the school, and along with Alexa, is a great example and model for St Rose.  

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