Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Athlete of the Week - Gabby

This year’s JV volleyball team has a good mix of 5th and 6th graders. We have eight total players, and five of them are 5th graders. Eva, Alyssa A, and Sonya make up a very good (albeit small) group of 6th grade leaders, but we also get good contributions from the 5th graders, and one of them leads the way. Gabby has played a lot of volleyball in her life. She plays for St Rose and she plays club volleyball. I have always known that Gabby is good, but in the past, I’ve seen her hold herself back a little bit. In a JV game and a varsity game against St Mary’s on 4/4, I finally saw her full ability. Gabby has a very good overhand serve. She digs as well as anyone in the school. She can set. She also hits well. Once she starts jumping on her hits, watch out. In the first JV game against St Mary’s, Gabby served 8 of our 25 points, and set the tone for a convincing match win to move our JV record to 4-2 on the season.

We didn’t have any baseball games this week, so there is no male Athlete of the Week. 

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