Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Athletes of the Week - Erica and Miguel

The JV girls played their first game of the year on 12/9 against Most Precious Blood. The varsity boys B played right before the girls, so between the JV girls crowd, the leftover varsity boys crowd, and the MPB crowd, the game was well attended. This year’s JV girls team only has two 6th graders. It has six 5th graders. Of these eight girls, three have never played before, so it has a little bit of the feel of a widgets team, trying to fit a bunch of girls together and make a cohesive team. With that said, it wasn’t a big surprise to see a slow start. After a quarter, our girls were down 2-0. We were playing very hard defense, and getting a ton of steals, but we couldn’t get good looks on offense and knock them down. I saw a sign last night at St Vincent de Paul that said “Hustle requires no talent.” I like that sign and that motto was on display early with our girls. All eight players were playing as hard as they possibly could, and that effort was keeping us in it until a few shots started to fall. Erica is not only the tallest girl on the JV team, she’s one of the tallest girls in the whole school. Some tall girls let their height do all the work for them, but not Erica. Erica was playing all out, getting her hands on tons of balls, blocking shots, tipping passes, and generally making life miserable for the MPB girls. She also helped with ball handling, rebounded aggressively, and scored the majority of our points. As she hopefully continues to grow, and works on her offensive skills, she has a chance to be one of the best girls basketball players St Rose has seen, and she is well deserving of the athlete of the week honor.

The two widget boys teams play the same teams through the season, but they play them at different times. So far, the black team has had the tougher schedule, and they’re currently 1-2. The red team has played a couple 3rd grade teams, and they’ve had easy wins, and have had a chance to really work on Play Like a Champion concepts (sharing the ball, playing unselfishly, equal playing time, etc). Last week, our red team beat St James 28-8, to run their record to 3-0. Diallo played very well again, but another 4th grader, Miguel, really stood out. Miguel has as much energy as anyone in the school, and he’s always had lots of athletic ability. He’s starting to harness that energy and ability into a controlled basketball setting, and his basketball skills are really starting to emerge. Miguel can score, and he runs the floor very well. He also runs the point when Diallo’s out. He knows the plays, and he does a good job directing traffic. Miguel’s main strength though is his defense. He is so fast, and so instinctual, that he gets tons of steals. Widget rules require that you stay on your man, and Miguel follows these rules, but you can tell that next year, when he’s allowed to double team, or play zone, or jump the ball, he will be an absolute terror on defense. With Miguel and Diallo as red team leaders, our widget boys red team is in a good position (1st place) going into the Christmas break.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Athletes of the Week - Diallo, Stephan, Mia

Written by AD Mike Thomas
Nov 28 - Dec 5

Girl Athlete of the Week

The widget girls’ team has been steadily improving since the beginning of last year. Coach Slater has remained patient, and kept a long term view, emphasizing skills, teamwork, and defense. It started paying off toward the end of last year, and this year, it’s really starting to pay dividends. In week one, we lost a heartbreaker 10-8 to Blessed Sacrament, but last Friday, our girls finally broke through with a 26-7 win over St Therese. The girls played stifling defense all night long, and got offensive contributions from the whole team. Mia led the way with 10 points, which I believe is a widget girls record for St Rose. Mia is always cheerful, and works to lift the spirits of her teammates. She is a team leader in practice and in games. With Mia, Brooklin, and Madi leading the way for the Raiders, the future looks bright for Coach Slater’s squad.  

Boy Athlete(s) of the Week

It was a clean sweep last Friday for the three St Rose widgets teams. Our girls beat St Therese, our boys red team beat St Pius 3rd grade 30-17, and our boys black team beat St Pius 4th grade 24-18. St Rose red is now 2-0, and St Rose black is 1-1. Having one week of game experience definitely showed for our 3rd graders, as they were much more comfortable and aware on the floor. The way was led though by two fourth graders, Diallo and Stephan. This is the first time we’ve had co-athletes of the week, but I just couldn’t choose between Diallo and Stephan. Diallo has been a leader on the floor for two years now for St Rose, but it has taken him some time to embrace the role of always getting his teammates involved, as well as getting his own points. Last week, St Rose red played a 3rd grade team, and Diallo could have scored as many points as he wanted to. He scored 4 or 5 baskets early, and then not only started making sweet passes to his teammates, but also directing them around the floor, and putting them in the best positions to receive passes and be able to make shots. Diallo always gets lots of rebounds, and lots of steals, to go along with his assists and points, and is becoming an all-around player who can shine in all aspects of the game, including leadership and being unselfish.

Last year, when we broke up the teams and tried to make two equal teams, we put Diallo on one team, and Jose on the other. With Jose a 5th grader now, and no longer eligible to play widgets, we had to find a new leader for St Rose black, and Stephan was the choice that jumped out. We knew he was absolutely one of the nicest, politest, and best behaved, most focused, smartest students in the school, and now we know something else. He’s one of the best basketball players in the school. Last week, leading a mixed 3rd and 4th grade St Rose black against St Pius’ all 4th grade team, Stephan led the way with 17 points. He ran the floor extremely well, made a bunch of tough, contested lay ups, and hit his free throws as well. Stephan runs the point for St Rose black, is the defensive leader, and now has grown into a true scoring option. If you get a chance to come watch widget boys games this year, come on out. With Diallo and Stephan leading the way, the widgets are a lot of fun.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Athletes of the Week - Anthony and Madi

Written by AD Mike Thomas
Nov 21- Nov 28

Girl Athlete of the Week

The widget girls didn't have a team two years ago, so last year was the first time that any of the then 3rd or 4th graders played on a basketball team. They played hard and competed well all year, but their lack of experience hurt them record wise. With a year of experience under the belt of the 4th graders, and the youthful energy and enthusiasm of the 3rd graders, this year perhaps bodes a little better for the widget girls. Our girls opened the season last Thursday night at Assumption against Blessed Sacrament. We lost a thrilling game 10-8, with seemingly countless St Rose shots rolling around the rim before falling out. The Raiders were led by Madi L., Mia G., and Brooklin L. The athlete of the week this week for the girls is Madi. Madi is one of the nicest, most respectful girls in the school. Madi is one of the best students in the school. Add to those accolades an improving and promising athlete, and Madi truly embodies everything good about St Rose. Madi ran the point for large parts of the game, she scored half of our points, and she was a leader on the floor all game long.

Boy Athlete of the Week

Last year, our varsity boys A team competed in CSAL division 1, and we had a tough time during the regular season. We had a good team, but we had no height, and we were routinely competing against 6'2 and 6'3 players, and we had a hard time matching up. We finished well though, and everyone started buying into the idea that we had to run, and pressure the other team all game long in order to be competitive. Last week, we competed in the Blessed Sacrament pre-season tournament, and after three games, we found ourselves champions. A huge part of our success last week was Anthony M., and he's the first male athlete of the week for 2011-2012. Last year, Anthony was probably our best baseball player, but he didn't really get a chance to shine in basketball. I knew he was a good athlete and that he could shoot a little, but I hadn't yet seen him put it all together. Now I have. Anthony scored 8 against MPB in our first game, 8 against a very tough Blessed Sacrament squad in the semis, and then led the Raiders with 12 in the championship game against SVDP. Anthony hit three threes during the tournament, including back to backers in the first quarter against SVDP. He also did everything else. Anthony ran the floor non-stop, made a bunch of extremely difficult catches and finishes in traffic, played great defense, played high and low in the zone, and rebounded against much taller players. Most of all, Anthony played as hard as he could at every aspect of the game, and did everything he was asked to do. Anthony's performance in the first week of the season bodes extremely well for the rest of the year.

Monday, November 28, 2011

St. Rose Wins Blessed Sacrament Tournament

St Rose’s boys and girls varsity basketball teams competed in Blessed Sacrament’s annual kick-off tournament from 11/14-11/20. The girls won their first game over St John Baptist, before falling in consecutive games to Christ the King. At the end of last year, the girls varsity team had no 8th graders, so we returned a strong core this year, and we added a very athletic group of incoming 7th graders as well. Daizja, Gaby, Naomi, Mireya, and Luz are joined by Marla, Capri, Janay, and Joanna. The difference between last year and this year was apparent immediately in our first game against SJB. Coach Moo has his girls playing a very aggressive defensive style, and the girls came out firing on all cylinders. With the defensive intensity of Mireya, Capri, Janay, and Joanna setting the tone as the highs in the 3-2, and the rebounding of Luz and Gaby complimented by the scoring of Daizja, Marla, and Capri, this year’s Raiders team is definitely fun to watch. Through three quarters, SJB could muster only 5 points, and although SJB started getting some better opportunities in the 4th quarter, we still held on for the comfortable victory. Our next game came against Christ the King’s division 1 team, and with somewhat tired legs, we fell, but we still got valuable experience against a top opponent, especially as we try to learn how to handle the ball against pressure. Our third game came against Christ the King’s seventh grade, and it was a see-saw battle all game. We were down 2 with a few seconds left, and Coach Moo set up an inbounds play that yielded a very good look, but alas, the ball rimmed out. Players, coaches, and parents all came out of the tournament encouraged though, and the future looks bright for our girls program.

The boys draw had four division 1 teams, one division 2 team, and three division 3 teams. Our boys opened against MPB division 3, and it wasn’t an equal talent match up. What was encouraging though, was the balanced scoring. Returners Julian, Aaron, Rolando, Tony, and Anthony scored 15, 14, 14, 12, and 8 respectively, and newcomers Mario and Santi each scored 4 points in their first varsity game. We squared off against a talented Blessed Sacrament division 1 team in the semis, and it was a nail-biter all game long. BSS got up 11-5 after one, and still held a six point lead, 20-14, at half. We evened the score 28-28 after three, and then went on to eke out the victory 37-34. Although we had trouble getting good looks and knocking them down for most of the game, we fought extremely hard, and never gave up, or got down on each other. Last year, we had a lot of close losses, and it was good to see this group overcome adversity right away, and fight for all 40 minutes. Julian drew a ton of defensive attention and manpower, and although he only scored 2 points, he played the whole game, got a bunch of rebounds, and allowed our other players to get open looks. Aaron didn’t have any field goals, but his seven free throws in the second half were absolutely crucial. Aaron also played all 40 minutes, and did the majority of the ball handling duties. Rolando chipped in two buckets in each half, as he makes the transition to more of a forward this year from his guard position last year. Tony and Rolando both fouled out, which meant that incoming 7th graders Mario and Santi finished the game on the floor. This was a huge spot for them, and they acquitted themselves very well, fighting for rebounds, loose balls, and steals, and playing confidently with the ball on offense, as they get used to our systems. The players of the game though, were Tony and Anthony. Tony hit three second half threes, on his way to a game high 10 points. Anthony played extremely good and hard defense, ran the floor well, made some very hard catches and finishes in traffic, hit a big third quarter three that made the defense extend and respect him, and generally played a great game. After our BSS win, we had a couple days off to rest before the championship game. The championship game saw a familiar trend from last year, as St Vincent de Paul had two six footers. We’re pretty used to giving up a bunch of inches though, and Julian, Tony, Rolando, Mario, and even Anthony played low at times, and battled for rebounds all night long. Our scoring was once again very balanced, at 12, 10, 10, 10, and 7. SVDP played almost exclusively a 2-1-2, with lots of focus on the top, so Aaron had to be patient, but after a quarter of distributing, he started finding his opportunities, and SVDP had to pick their poison. Still, it was only a 6 point game mid 4th, before we went on a big run to put the game away. The final was 49-27, and it yielded a very nice pre-season tournament win, that in turn yielded the newest addition to our trophy case. Hopefully, more are on the way.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Festival 2011

A special thank you to the St. Rose of Lima community for helping and supporting the Halloween Festival this year. We began with a unique Spanish/English Mass thanks to Father Jerry. The congregation had a mix of children's costumes for both the children and the young at heart. After Mass the children headed over to the Trunk or Treat and gathered the precious candy in their bags. The Halloween Festival continued with bouncy castles, slides, games, and prizes. The food and the music was amazing. Thank you St. Rose Parish and School for a special evening and we look forward to celebrating with you again next year!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Kids In Need of Dentistry

A special thank you to Kids In Need of Dentistry for your mission to help children with proper dental care and for the bike donation. Congratulations to the student who won the drawing.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

8th Graders' Egg Drop At Annunciation

As the culmination of their study on the scientific process, eighth graders from St. Rose and Annunciation Catholic School met to test their egg vehicles.

Students discussed their egg vehicle designs and tested their designs with members of the other school.

Students from both schools were excited to meet fellow scientists, and we are looking forward to future collaboration.

Check out our full photo album at our Picasa Web Album below.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Dance Class a Success!

Students in the primary grades participated in St. Rose's first dance class on Wednesday afternoon.  The dance class is offered as part of our new initiative to provide enrichment programs for our students.

Trained by a professional from our Colorado Ballet here in Denver, students started with foundational moves and steps.  All participants were excited and are looking forward to the next class!

Check out more action shots on our Google photo gallery.


Look for pictures from the first upper elementary/middle school dance class coming this week.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8th Graders Gather Data for Egg Drop

8th Grade students gather data about their eggs and the available materials for their egg drop project. With their goal to "design, build, test, and revise a vehicle that can safely and accurately carry an egg from a 2nd story window to a target below," students participate actively in the scientific process. The project will culminate in a competitive egg drop with Annunciation Catholic School's eight graders. Go Raiders!

Full photo album can be found on our Facebook page or our Google Web Albums.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8th Grade Lions Pledge to be Warriors of Christ

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy 8th graders pledge to be leaders as Warriors of Christ for the community.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Teachers Meet with EL Instructor

St. Rose of Lima teachers met with Professional Director Colleen Stanevich from Expeditionary Learning on August 17th.  The staff focused on developing and posting student-centered long-term and short-term learning targets for the upcoming year.  The staff also received the Professional Development schedule for the upcoming year. The faculty could not be more thrilled as they enter into 2011!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Anthony M. - Athlete of the Week

Written by AD Mike Thomas
May 23 - May 27

After numerous rain outs, and at least one sun out, St Rose finally played the varsity baseball championship game on Saturday against St Bernadette. During the regular season, both teams went 9-1, but with our 7-3 win over St Bernadette, we were the regular season champs. After two wins by each team to start the tournament, and several days off, both teams had all their pitchers fresh. Unfortunately, the Raiders came up just short, 5-3, but there was one individual performance in the game that can’t be overlooked.

Anthony Medina becomes our first two time Athlete of the Week. Anthony started at short, but came in to pitch at the end of the second. He allowed one unearned run in 3 1/3 innings pitched, with 3 strikeouts, and two runners picked off second. At the plate, Anthony was even better. With the unfortunate time limit in effect even in the championship game, St Rose hitters only got two plate appearances, but Anthony made the most of his limited opportunities. He hit a sharp single up the middle in the first on an 0-2 count, stole second and third, and scored on a wild pitch to give the Raiders a brief 1-0 lead. He came up again to lead off the fourth. On a 2-2 count, Anthony got a fastball over the plate, and he destroyed it. St Mary’s had a fence up, and Anthony cleared it in left center by a good 15 feet. This looked like it might be the momentum changer we needed, and sure enough, we got their pitcher out of the game later in the inning, but with the time limit, we still ended up coming just short. Anthony finished the season with a 6-0 record on the mound, with a 2.40 ERA, and 43 strikeouts in 23 1/3 innings pitched. He also racked up the following gaudy offensive numbers. 10 hits, 9 walks, 3 triples, 2 homers, 20 runs, 10 RBI, 10 stolen bases, a .556 batting average, a .690 on base percentage, and a 1.222 slugging percentage, for an absurd 1.912 OPS. He led the team in triples, homers, runs, and all the rate stats.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Field Day 2011

St. Rose held our annual field day event on May 20th.  Students participated in numerous team building activities including kickball, tug of war, dodgeball, parachutes, and more.

Extensive web album available on our Google page.


Thank you to Mike Thomas for organizing the event and photographer Cindy Lucero for taking so many photos!

Gabby G. Purchases Mr. O'Connor's Desk!

In a feat that has never been accomplished by another fourth grader at St. Rose, Gabby G. has acquired Mr. O' Connor's desk.

Mr. O'Connor's fourth graders operate under a multidimensional classroom economy all year.  Students apply for jobs at the beginning of the year, earn a monthly paycheck of the class currency "Raider Bucks," pay monthly rent on their student desks, and earn bonuses for academic and behavioral performance.  Students can also be fined for not following the procedures and expectations of the classroom.

Gabby G. set a goal to purchase Mr. O' Connor's desk for $9,000 by the end of the year.  As of May 19th, she had saved enough Raider Bucks to accomplish her goal.  Congratulations Gabby!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Raiders Hold Annual Talent Show

St. Rose students showcased their diverse array of talents Wednesday as the school hosted our annual talent show.  Acts included poetry readings, musical performances, dances, drawings, stand-up comedy routines, and more.

The large number of community members in attendance made this event even more special!

Pictures are now up on our Google page.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gabriella G. - Athlete of the Week

Written by AD Mike Thomas
May 16 - May 20

This year’s widget girls went a combined 12-1 during the regular season, and entered the tournament at St. Therese as the number 1 seed. I saw the girls improve their skills greatly during the season by watching them each day in P.E. and observing bits and pieces of practice. Coach Val Gonzalez did a great job all year balancing his level of expectations and coaching style appropriately for the widget age group, while also impressing upon the girls the importance of effort and a good attitude. You could see the girls’ confidence grow through the season, and this was expressed best by the look of surprise but then resolve after a girl had a successful hit.

Many of the girls didn’t have much experience before the season started, but luckily a few did. One girl who had volleyball experience before the year started, and who worked hard all year on improving her game and helping her teammates, was Gabriella G. She pursued balls hard, served overhand from the back row to prepare for next year, played the net, and was a consistent performer but also sometimes acted as a second coach on the floor. Gabriella was a pleasure to watch through the year, and she exemplifies the qualities that we stress at St. Rose.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Volleyball Teams Cap Off Successful Season

Written by AD Mike Thomas
Also found at http://strosedenver.org/gvolleyball.html

St. Rose volleyball had a very successful year at all three levels. Varsity got to the championship game, before losing to a very skilled Guardian Angel squad. JV overcame an early season lack of players, and improved greatly through the season. JV also made it to the championship game, and lost a heartbreaker, 2-1, to St Anne’s.

Widgets probably came the farthest from last year though. Last year’s St Rose widget team didn’t win any games. This year, during the regular season, we fielded two teams, and each team finished 6-1. We combined the teams for the tournament, and the girls got off to a great start at 8 in the morning at St Therese, sweeping their first game over Annunciation. Neither game was particularly close, and all girls contributed. The second match started off well, as we won the first game over Loyola, and led 17-8 in the second game. Unfortunately, Loyola caught fire, and staged a big comeback, eventually winning the match, but all the Raiders should hold their heads high for having a great season and getting the semifinal game. Improvement was easy to see, and next year’s widget team will be led by a strong group of 4th graders, and next year’s JV team will have a very strong group of 5th graders to compliment the current 5th graders.

Our JV Girls were competently and enthusiastically coached by Yolanda and Joseph Handley this year. We had a hard time at the beginning of the season getting the required 8 players, and we played our first game with many of the girls not having practiced together yet. We lost that game 2-1, but then went on a roll, winning 6 of our last 9. The JV team had strong leadership from three sixth graders including stellar play all year from Marla L, but we also got very strong play from 5 5th graders, so the future continues to look bright for the JV team. Our girls beat Fatima and St. Pius to advance to the championship game at Machebeuf last Saturday morning. We got off to a fast start, and won the first game fairly easily over St Anne’s. St Anne’s bounced back well in game two though, so we went to a decisive third game. We battled early, but St Anne’s pushed the lead to 23-15 before we forced a side out. Alyssa A drew serving duties, and she served 5 consecutive points to bring the Raiders to within two, trailing 23-21. St Anne’s called a timeout, and after a rally, a Raider shot strayed wide left to give St Anne’s a chance to serve for the match, and unfortunately for the Raider faithful present, St Anne’s converted. From the humble beginnings of the first weeks of practice though, the JV team came a very long ways to finish within 4 points of the championship trophy.

Our varsity girls finished fourth last year in the tournament, and had the luxury of having the majority of the 8th grade girls playing together, and having played together for years before this year. From the beginning of the year, the goal of a championship was set and practice and games were focused on achieving that goal. I had the opportunity to practice with the girls a few times through the year, and they were having lots of fun and were always very supportive of each other. We went 7-3 during the regular season, with a few of the losses occurring during a week when some of our girls were ineligible. We opened the tournament with a home game against Notre Dame. It was the last home game for our 8th grade girls, and we came out a little flat, perhaps suffering from a little bit of in game nostalgia. After a timeout though, the girls came back on the floor and dominated, winning game 1 and then crushing Notre Dame in game 2. Big contributions were made by all, including Karen P, Valeria B, and Nohely N. We got a rematch against St Mary’s in the semifinal game, having lost to St Mary’s earlier in the regular season. After a close game one win, Raider confidence was high, and we won game two going away, setting up the opportunity to play for the championship. The championship game was played at Machebeuf Saturday morning at the same time as the JVs. Many Raider supporters were switching their heads back and forth watching both teams play simultaneously. When they watched the varsity girls in the first game, they saw the best volleyball from our girls all year. Serves were hit crisply, bumps were bumped with authority, spikes were spiked, and bodies were hitting the floor with abandon. Neither team led game 1 by more than about 3 points at any point, and unfortunately, we ended up two points short, 26-24. Game 2 slipped away a little bit, but every Raider played her heart out, and although we didn’t win the championship, we represented St Rose with great effort, dignity, and grace throughout the game and the season. Next year's 8th graders will be missed.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

St. Rose Celebrates May Crowning

The St. Rose of Lima school and community had a special mass Wednesday to honor Mary as our queen and mother.  The second grade class, dressed in their First Communion best, were wonderful in their role leading the mass.

Thank you to Mrs. Klebba and other volunteers for your hard work!

Monday, May 9, 2011

JV Volleyball Wins in Close Finish!

In a thrilling three game match, St. Rose of Lima's JV Volleyball team defeated St. Pius and advanced to the third round of the playoffs.

Game 1:
St. Rose: 25
St. Pius: 18

Alyssa A. led the way in game one for the Raiders.  Her serve was dominant as she racked up eight total points.  Marla L. contributed seven points of her own.

Game 2:
St. Rose: 23
St. Pius: 25

St. Pius roars back taking the lead early and never giving it up.  St. Rose fought valiantly near the end and almost staged a comeback, but St. Pius succeeded in finishing the game.  Marla L., Mia V., and Miriam D. all contributed five points for the Raiders.

Game 3:
St. Rose: 26
St. Pius: 24

In a back and forth battle for the match, St. Rose found itself down 24 to 23 with St. Pius serving and the home crowd holding their breath.  Marla. L decided to take matters into her own hands.  After a backwards dig to break St. Pius' serve, Marla proceeded to ace two straight points and ensure the victory.

Congratulations in advancing to the next round ladies!  Check out the new photo album from the match below.


The date and time for the next round should be on the Google Calendar shortly.

Tony V. - Athlete of the Week

Written by Athletic Director Mike Thomas
May 9 - May 13

The St Rose baseball team won all three games last week, to clinch their first season in 13 years with a regular season championship. We finished 9-1 with wins last week over St Thomas More, Loyola, and Nativity.

We’ve relied heavily on several players through the season, and on Thursday, with the league title on the line, three of them were absent. Two were playing with their other teams and one was at a high school orientation. All 9 players who showed up contributed to our 5-3 victory over Nativity, but it fell largely on Tony V.’s shoulders to carry us through. Tony pitched a complete game, going 6 innings, allowing only 2 hits, while striking out 15. For the math challenged, of the 18 outs recorded, 15 were punched out. Tony also had two triples, scored three runs, stole home, and had two RBI. This capped a week where Tony went 5-9, scoring 10 runs, and stealing five bases. He finished the season with a .458 batting average, a team leading 11 hits, and a team leading 15 runs. He also went 1-0 on the mound with a 4.52 ERA, striking out 19 in 9 1/3 innings pitched.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Varsity, JV Volleyball Teams Win First Round

Despite a long layoff, both the Varsity and JV girls volleyball teams shook off the rust to win their first round tournament games this week.

On May 6th, the Varsity girls dominated Holy Trinity 25-18, 25-12.  Valeria B. led all scorers in the first game with 10 points, while Karen P. contributed 5 points for the Raiders.  In the second game, Yoslynn R. and Viviana A. were together responsible for 14 of the 25 points, as both scored 7 each.

The Varsity girls play their next tournament game on May 9, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Assumption. Good luck ladies!

Our JV team also had a great first playoff game on Wednesday as they defeated Our Lady of Fatima in three close games.  The JV girls play on May 9, 2011 at 5:30 PM at St. Rose of Lima.

Pictures are available on our online photo album.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Community Celebrates Cinco de Mayo

On May 5, 2011, St. Rose of Lima hosted our annual Cinco de Mayo celebration.  Students participated in numerous activities including cakewalks, face paintings, inflatable "playplaces," carnival games, and more.

This event would not have been possible without an incredible outpouring of support from our school community.  Parents, friends, and other volunteers, thank you so much for making this a successful celebration!

Pictures are available at our Google photo album page under the "Cinco de Mayo" link.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Karen P. - Athlete of the Week

Written by Athletic Director Mike Thomas
May 2 - May 6

The varsity volleyball team finished their regular season last week with wins over Notre Dame and Ave. We finished with a regular season record of 7-3. The varsity team is led by a strong 8th grade class that has been playing together for years, and it’s a joy to wach them play together.

This week’s Athlete of the Week is Karen P. Karen is the starting setter, and during the season she has been a consistent performer. She demonstrates hustle, hard work, and smart play. As a setter, she enables others on the team to succeed with smart, accurate sets, and she dominates net play, keeping opponents off-balance. She does a great job of recognizing when to set to a teammate, and when to tip the ball over the net if the other team isn’t prepared. Karen also possesses a very strong serve. Against Notre Dame, Karen served the Raiders to a 14-0 lead to start the game, effectively ending any resistance Notre Dame was planning on putting up. On several serves, the Notre Dame players just stared at each other as the ball landed in between them, as nobody wanted to try to dig out her hard, flat serves. Karen's performance is only overshadowed by her attitude. She puts team goals ahead of personal goals, and is a friendly and fun loving leader on the court.

Students Receive First Holy Communion

On Sunday, May 1, 2011, twenty eight St. Rose students made their first Holy Communion. 

Under the direction of Mrs. Carolyn Klebba, our second grade teacher, these students have been working diligently in preparation for the Eucharist.  All their hard work came to fruition Sunday, as the celebrants received the Body and Blood of Christ in front of an enthusiastic and supportive congregation.

Thank you to everyone involved including our celebrant Fr. Jerry Rohr, our music teacher Mrs. Pouliot, and our pianist Mrs. Monarez.  We would also like to thank Ms. Tina Martin, Ms. Lisa Martin, and Ms. Carol Martin for their contribution in organizing refreshments.

Our First Holy Eucharist Celebrants:

Second Grade:

Alex A.              
Cristian A.               
Lilian A.
Ricardo A.         
Kevin B.                  
Vanessa B.
Ana R.              
Kevin De La O.        
Jose D.
April D.             
Joliana E.                  
Jayla G.
Edmund G.        
Elijah H.                    
Brayan J.
Isaac L.              
Anali M.                   
John M.
Jonessa M.         
Alexa M.                  
Stephanie M.
Yaritza M.         
Alfredo R.                
Jennifer S.

Third Grade:

Sheccid A.
Sergio G.

Fourth Grade:

Vanessa L.

Fifth Grade:

Orlando C.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Anthony M. - Athlete of the Week

Written by Athletic Director Mike Thomas
April 25 - April 29

St Rose hadn’t fielded a baseball team for 13 years before this year. With 6th graders playing varsity, and not a lot of baseball experience on the team, expectations were modest going into the season. We’ve certainly met and surpassed those expectations so far, with a 5-1 record, and a share of first place with 4 games remaining.

Anthony M. has been a big reason why we’re having the success we’re having so far. Last week, we beat a previously undefeated St. Bernadette squad, and Anthony threw three scoreless innings, without allowing a hit. This extended his hitless streak to 11 innings over parts of four different games. On the season, Anthony has thrown 13 innings, allowing 2 hits, and striking out 28 opposing batters. He is 4-0 with a 1.62 ERA. As part of a three headed Raider pitching monster (with Renato Leyva, and Michael Ibarra) the Raiders feel confident each time they take the field. Anthony also had a triple to the deepest part of St Bernadette’s field in the first inning to kick off the scoring for the Raiders. He later walked and drove in another run. On the season, Anthony has a .667 on base percentage, and he’s slugging 1.167. For any sabermetricians reading this, yes, he is posting an OPS of 1.834 so far, numbers that even a juiced Bonds never quite reached.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Thursday Events a Success

Throughout Lent, the St. Rose of Lima community has been preparing for the celebration of the single-most important event in human history:  the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  With the goal of growing closer to Jesus before this celebration, St. Rose designated Holy Thursday, the first day of the Easter Triduum, to be a day of prayer and reflection.

The day began with a bang as students quickly moved over to the Church for a "Washing of the Feet" prayer service led by St. Rose's student council.  After a reading of John 13: 1-15, the passage where Jesus washes the feet of his apostles, our principal Tracy Alarcon shared a brief reflection.  Mrs. Alarcon's reflection focused on the central theme of the gospel passage.  "In Jesus' lowering of himself to wash His apostles' feet," she stated, "He is giving us a powerful example of service and humility."

At the conclusion of the reflection, the community performed a reenactment of the "washing of the feet" scene from John's gospel.  Representatives were selected from the student body, the faculty, and the parish.  With support from the Student Council, Mrs. Alarcon washed the feet of each one of these representatives.

Middle school students provided the next event in
 the day, a performance of Jesus Christ's passion, death, and resurrection.  Under the direction of Mr. Moo and the musical accompaniment of Jackie Monarez, the students gave an engaging and moving reenactment of the events of the Easter Triduum.  The play featured over fifty middle school students as it utilized both actors and voice-over readers.

After a short break, the student body transitioned to the cafeteria.  Led by the eighth graders under the direction of Mr. Hallahan, students and faculty participated in a traditional Jewish Seder meal.  The community discussed the relationship between the Jewish celebration of Passover and Jesus' sacrifice for us .  As students were grouped with students of other grades and ages, it also provided a unique bonding experience for all involved.

The events were capped off with school-wide adoration and prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament led by our pastor Fr. Jerry.

The day served as a beautiful blessing for our St. Rose of Lima community.  We're grateful for all of those who participated and made this experience possible.

Photos from the day's events are now available at our new Google photo album page.  You can access this page at:


Monday, April 11, 2011

7th Graders Take Honors at Speech Meet

After hours of hard work and preparation, 7th graders from St. Rose of Lima put their skills to the test in a trophy round speech meet on April 9, 2011.

Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Speech Association (ADA), students from all over the diocese competed in one of six unique speech categories: Humor, Drama, Speechmaking, Poetry, Oratory, and Impromptu.  Students were evaluated by adult critics based on specific criteria for each category.

Although St. Rose of Lima students did not make it to the final round, all seven performed admirably and received special honors for their performances.  They are excited about being able to use this experience to their advantage in next year's 8th grade competitions! Thanks to Coach Hallahan and all the parents that made this possible.
St. Rose of Lima 7th Grade Speech Participants

Honors and Ribbons:

Daizja Thompson - Blue
Mariya Randall - Blue
Mireya Cazares - Blue
Jasleen Ortis-Yee - Blue
Gaby Medina - Blue
Mikayla Hernandez - Red
Omar Ruiz-Rodriguez - White