Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gabriella G. - Athlete of the Week

Written by AD Mike Thomas
May 16 - May 20

This year’s widget girls went a combined 12-1 during the regular season, and entered the tournament at St. Therese as the number 1 seed. I saw the girls improve their skills greatly during the season by watching them each day in P.E. and observing bits and pieces of practice. Coach Val Gonzalez did a great job all year balancing his level of expectations and coaching style appropriately for the widget age group, while also impressing upon the girls the importance of effort and a good attitude. You could see the girls’ confidence grow through the season, and this was expressed best by the look of surprise but then resolve after a girl had a successful hit.

Many of the girls didn’t have much experience before the season started, but luckily a few did. One girl who had volleyball experience before the year started, and who worked hard all year on improving her game and helping her teammates, was Gabriella G. She pursued balls hard, served overhand from the back row to prepare for next year, played the net, and was a consistent performer but also sometimes acted as a second coach on the floor. Gabriella was a pleasure to watch through the year, and she exemplifies the qualities that we stress at St. Rose.  

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