Monday, May 2, 2011

Karen P. - Athlete of the Week

Written by Athletic Director Mike Thomas
May 2 - May 6

The varsity volleyball team finished their regular season last week with wins over Notre Dame and Ave. We finished with a regular season record of 7-3. The varsity team is led by a strong 8th grade class that has been playing together for years, and it’s a joy to wach them play together.

This week’s Athlete of the Week is Karen P. Karen is the starting setter, and during the season she has been a consistent performer. She demonstrates hustle, hard work, and smart play. As a setter, she enables others on the team to succeed with smart, accurate sets, and she dominates net play, keeping opponents off-balance. She does a great job of recognizing when to set to a teammate, and when to tip the ball over the net if the other team isn’t prepared. Karen also possesses a very strong serve. Against Notre Dame, Karen served the Raiders to a 14-0 lead to start the game, effectively ending any resistance Notre Dame was planning on putting up. On several serves, the Notre Dame players just stared at each other as the ball landed in between them, as nobody wanted to try to dig out her hard, flat serves. Karen's performance is only overshadowed by her attitude. She puts team goals ahead of personal goals, and is a friendly and fun loving leader on the court.

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